



Shortage of essential medicines, has certain influence the health of patients

PHARMACISTS HAVE WARNED that shortages in key medicines is having an impact on the health of patients nationally.

The Irish Pharmacy Union has said that the lack of some anti-depressants nu skin product, pain-relief medicines and eye ointments has gotten worse in the last 12 months.

They are now calling on the Department of Health to intervene to ensure there is an adequate supply of medicines to meet the needs of patients.

The survey of 200 pharmacists found that 98 per cent have noticed medicine shortages, particularly of drugs such as Cymbalta, which treats depression nuskin, Lyrica, for pain relief and Chloromycetin Eye Ointment, among others.

It also found that, on average, nuskin group pharmacy staff spend eight hours per month resolving medicine shortages – “time that would be better spent tending to the needs of patients,” says president of the IPU, Rory O’ Donnell.

Almost half of all pharmacists surveyed say that patients’ health outcomes have been adversely affected by medicine shortages.

The IPU also says the introduction of reference pricing will only exacerbate the situation, nu skin hk particularly if the reference price is set too low.

More than 1/3 people directly provide shelter

Ombudsman Emily O'Reilly at the launch of the Jesuit's Summer 2013 Studies in Dublin today.
OMBUDSMAN EMILY O’REILLY has criticised Ireland’s treatment of asylum seekers, describing the decision-making process in the country as “fragmented, very slow and highly inefficient”.

In the Summer 2013 edition of the Jesuit quarterly studies, launched today, O’Reilly spoke out against the ‘Direct Provision’ Art Culture accommodation arrangements for asylum seekers with the government in 2000 affirming that people would stay in these refuges no longer than six months.

She said the reality is that 66 per cent of asylum seekers have been in these hostel-type facilities for more than three years and 36 per cent have been there for more than five years.

In her article, she made reference to a recent investigation into a complaint concerning an African woman whose Supplementary Welfare Allowance was delayed by a year after she moved out of a refuge. She had left the refuge because of the deteriorating mental health of one of her daughters Limited company Hong Kong, who later attempted suicide and was hospitalised.

O’Reilly said this investigation prompted her to look more generally at our arrangements for dealing with asylum seekers and that she was struck by the “almost universal acceptance that these arrangements are damaging to the health, welfare and life-chances of those who must endure them”.

I wondered also whether we are not just a little hypocritical in seeking to have the status of perhaps 50,000 ‘undocumented’ Irish citizens, Asian college of knowledge management living and working illegally in the US, regularised, while at the same time adopting measures which make it quite uninviting to seek asylum in Ireland.

The Ombudsman said that we need to “urgently” reform our arrangements as the failure to improve our processes has resulted in “serious and enduring hardship”.

“We have known for a decade and more that our treatment of asylum seekers is unacceptable and we have failed, mostly, to do anything about it”, she said.

A long history of crime

The man made a second appearance in Waitakere District Court on Thursday, facing charges including male rapes female, unlawful sexual connection and indecent assault nuskin group.

The charges related to incidents between 1977 and 1987 on two girls who were aged between six and 17 at the time of the alleged offending.

Most of the incidents happened in the accused's homes at the Royal New Zealand Air Force base in Hobsonville, nuskin and in his car.

The accused was granted name suppression to protect the identity of the complainants, and his bail was continued until his next appearance on July 5, APNZ reported.

Detective Bryony Brown said the women had shown a lot of courage in coming forward.

She said it was possible there were other victims and she encouraged anyone else who has concerns to contact police.

The man is the second 68-year-old to appear in court on historical sex charges in Waitakere this week.

Douglas Peters was remanded in custody when he appeared on charges of interfering with boys aged five to 13 between 1978 and 1987 at his home in Owairaka, nu skin hk in his car and at sports venues in the Auckland suburbs of Mt Albert, Western Springs, Avondale and Point Chevalier.

The United States must colonize Mars

Speaking at a conference of space experts in the US capital on Wednesday, the 83-year-old said the United States should apply what it learned decades ago by reaching the moon toward building a new colony on the Red Planet.

"The US needs to begin homesteading and settlement of Mars," Aldrin said at the Humans to Mars conference at George Washington University.

"It is within reach."

His call for US leadership in the space race to Mars largely lines up with plans set forth by NASA and President Barack Obama's administration to send the first people to Mars in the 2030s.

But unlike NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, who acknowledged at the start of the three-day conference that significant technological gaps remain, Aldrin said the bulk of the research has already been done long staying package serviced apartment.

"There is really very little new research that is required," he said, calling for cash investment and political will to sustain the vision of a permanent dual-planetary society.

"The US needs to continue to be the human space transportation leader and I think we can capitalise on the dynamism of the commercial market to develop a landing system that can truly become the basis for a US highway to space."

Aldrin, who has authored a new book titled Mission to Mars: My Vision for Space Exploration, said the title should have been Missions to Mars since the trips will be many and the human presence should be continuous serviced office in sheung wan.

"We are talking about multiple missions to eventually settle and colonise Mars," said Aldrin, who also plugged his plan to send spacecraft on cycling orbits that would engage in perpetual trajectories between earth and Mars.

"We should focus our attention on establishing a permanent human presence on Mars by the 2030-2040 decade.

"The United States will be a beacon for the development of humanity."

Aldrin described how there could be different modular habitats on Mars, perhaps built by the world's various space agencies from China, Europe, India, Japan and Russia, with the US in the leadership role.

He said a first step would be to send three people to the Martian moon Phobos "and use that year and a half to oversee the robotic deployment of the international Mars base".

He derided those who have suggested that people who make the trip to Mars may be able to come back to earth afterward box mods for sale.

"There is no other choice than to commit to permanence on Mars," Aldrin said.

"I just don't think you can have one-shot forays to the surface of Mars."

Aldrin was the lunar module pilot on Apollo 11.

On July 20, 1969, he and Neil Armstrong became the first humans to set foot on the moon.

Like Michel Obama's weapons

A growing number of women who want toned arms like Michelle Obama are turning to cosmetic surgery to achieve the desired results gift & premium.

Women are increasingly opting for a type of cosmetic surgery known as arm lifts, a trend that could be fueled in part by their admiration for the strong upper limbs of first lady Michelle Obama and other celebrities, surgeons say.

Statistics released Monday by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons show that the number of women getting upper arm lifts has skyrocketed in the past decade or so — from 338 in 2000 to more than 15,000 last year.

Doctors say there is no single reason behind the increase, but a recent poll conducted on behalf of the plastic surgeons association indicate celebrities from the White House to Hollywood may be having an influence.

According to the poll, the association says, women most admire the toned arms of Michelle Obama, followed closely by Jennifer Aniston. Actresses Jessica Biel and Demi Moore and daytime TV talk show host Kelly Ripa also received votes hong kong gifts and premium.

"I think we are always affected by the people that we see consistently, either on the big screen or on TV," ASPS Public Education Committee Chair David Reath said in a press release. "We see them and think, 'Yeah, I'd like to look like that.'"

Upper arm lifts can include liposuction or a surgical procedure known as brachioplasty, in which loose skin is removed from the back of the arms.

In all, according to the statistics, Americans underwent nearly 1.6 million cosmetic surgeries last year, down slightly from 2011 and down 16 percent compared with 2000.

For the seventh year in a row, breast augmentation was the most popular form of cosmetic surgery, with 286,000 operations performed gift and premium fair.

In 2012, 15,457 people got upper arm lifts, 98 percent of them women, according to the association.


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